I hosted a bridal shower for Alisha, my little sister, at my home this past Saturday. It was such a fun time! I saw this idea of having everyone matching at a shower, and knew I wanted everyone to wear black and white to the shower. I thought it would make for a great picture and look really nice. So on the back of the invite I printed the following saying:
Come and join in the fun, it will be a delight.
Support the bride by wearing your favorite
black and white.
And what do you know...EVERY SINGLE PERSON showed up in black and white!! I loved it!! It was such a special time for Alisha and I know she will remember it for years to come.
Group photo of everyone in their Black and White |
We started off the morning with prayer over the food and the special couple and then enjoyed the food and fellowship on the back porch. Next, I handed them a piece of paper face down with a pen/pencil. We played "What's in a name?". I gave them 1 minute and 15 seconds to make as many words out of SHEFFIELD (as in soon to be Alisha Sheffield) as they could. They all did great, but my cousin Amy was the winner with 24 words!!!
The little name game was a warm up for the next activity! LOL! The ladies split up into 6 groups and they were to create a scrapbook page with certain criteria on it that I had predetermined. Each page had 6-7 words that had to be included, 3-4 pictures, and a bible verse. I also gave them magazines, scissors and a tape runner to complete their page. They had to find/make words out of the magazines...they could not write on the page. The pages they created were: Bride, Groom, Love, Marriage, Home, and Honeymoon. I also created a Bridal Shower page for this shower and one from the Church Shower sign-in sheet. The pages turned out great and I think the ladies had a fun time creating them. They probably had no idea they were coming to a scrapbooking workshop! LOL! I thoroughly enjoyed putting together all the details for the pages and thought this would be a nice keepsake for Alisha as she started a new chapter in her life.
This group was working on the Honeymoon page |
Jeanie and her group working on the "Home" page |
Joseph's family having a laugh while working! |
Mom, Amy and MawMaw had the "Bride" page |
Peggy, Aunt Kathleen, Linda and Julie were putting together "Marriage" |
Whistle while you work! :) |
Joseph's family working on the "Groom" page |
After we finished up the pages, we went inside to cool off and had cake and punch, and opened gifts.
Michelle did a great job on the cake and cupcakes.
I tried something new and made the cupcake toppers. |
Here are some group pictures we took before everyone started running off! lol!
Becca and Alisha! |
Alisha with Joseph's Grandma and our MawMaw! |
Sisters forever!! |
Joseph stopped by at the beginning to say hi to his family from Livingston! |
Alisha and the Mom's! |
Allyson and Mommy! |
Layla and Michelle! :) |
Mom and her daughters! |
Smith Sisters: Susan, Nancy and Kathleen!
Great picture! |
I also asked everyone to bring their favorite recipe to the shower. I gave Alisha a recipe book and thought it would be great if she could start off her married life with some yummy recipes from loved ones. Quite a few people brought recipes and others took recipe cards home to fill out and return. I think this will be a great treasure and I know that Joseph will enjoy as well!