Allyson's first dance season has come to close. She had her dance recital on Saturday afternoon and she did wonderful! I signed up to be a Backstage Mom, so I stayed with her the whole time. I'm not really sure how much actual help I was backstage, but I was a presence and I'll know for next year. ;-)
It was so nice to have familiar faces to pass the time with!!
And here's me and my girl! I couldn't decide which photo was better, so I'll show you both! The half smile, but looking away picture or the deer in the head lights one. It is like PULLING teeth to get her to take a picture these days. She rarely looks at the camera and has forgotten how to smile and show her teeth. {This sounds like a summer goal!} Oh and I promise I did not have a death grip on her arm!
Show time for our first dance! The girls did wonderful! I was actually a little nervous on how Allyson was going to respond to the big stage and crowd considering how skid-dish she can be with new places/experiences. But I am so happy to report that it did not phase her one bit. After she came off stage I gave her a ton of praise and for the rest of the day she told me "Mommy, I did SO good today!" Haha! She is not lacking in confidence at least!
After the ballet performance, we came back to the dressing room and had a little snack.

Then they changed into their ladybug costume. Since I'm on costumes, I'll go ahead and share my costume drama now. We did not plan on her being in the recital since we were supposed to be in Africa right now {currazy!!}, so we did not order her costume back in December like everyone else. Once we decided we were staying, we ordered them and paid a late fee and were promised they would here in time for the recital. Well, we received them before the recital all 6:00 pm on Friday night. FedEx dropped them off at 5:00 pm at the dance studio. Talk about a panic attack! We even had to borrow costumes to take pictures in earlier that week. Wait, it gets better. I took the costumes out of the bag and hung them up when I got home so they wouldn't have the "I just came out of the bag look" for her recital. She had been playing outside and was all sweaty, so I didn't have her try them on and at this point and I wasn't up for finding out if they fit or not...umm too late for that.
Anyway, I had noticed some extra pink thread on her ballet costume where the strap meets the front and hoped that wasn't unraveled thread. I was gut was right. Saturday morning at 11:30, hair and make-up were done, we are on time and just need to get dressed. She gently steps into her pink ballet costume and the strap is no longer attached to the front of her costume. Did this just happen!?!? I did not have time to panic (or call my mom). I found some button thread, which is probably the thickest thread I've ever seen, and a needle and stitched it right back up. Now I am NO seamstress at all, but I was very pleased on getting it attached and not going through the front of the costume. Thank you Jesus.

And here is my little ladybug!! So proud of her. She tapped great and really had an awesome time out there! And to think I almost pulled her out of the tap class back in January because I did not even think she was paying attention or getting anything out of the class...I was wrong! Now she did not perform every move, but on the whole I think this is the best I've seen her do it!
All the girls came out for one last bow!
Allyson loved getting flowers...they are her fave!!
Nanny, PawPaw, Grandpa Leonard, Grandma Cony, Aunt Alisha, Uncle JoJo, Uncle David and Daddy and the boys were out in the audience cheering her on!!