We opted to sell candy...World's Finest Chocolate...so yummy!!! If you do not know what I am talking about, they have the most delicious chocolate covered almonds EVER! I mean, I was so looking forward to getting my hands on a few boxes of those. Today was the day when we could pick up the goods and I was excited!!
I went with my mom and sister to get a pedicure and Shawn and the kids were off to run errands and picked up the chocolates! I was waiting for my toes to dry, so I texted Shawn and asked him if he got the good stuff and he said that he got a box of $1 chocolate bars with almonds for us to sell. We exchanged texts a few times and I totally thought he was joking!! He wasn't...I was honestly upset that we did not have any almonds! Ha! He said that he didn't ask about them and just took what they gave him.
We were right down the street, so after our pedis, we drove to see about getting some almonds...yes we did!! I walked in and asked if they were selling the chocolate covered almonds and he thought I was talking about the bars and said he could open up a box and sell me one! Haha!! Long story short they only sell the bars and not the almonds! What a let down. I told my mom and sister, "forget baseball, I wanted some chocolate covered almonds!" So, I will be on the hunt for almonds!!! Oh and to make matters worse, when we got outside I told my mom and sister that I knew that guy and mom said he looked family too. Then it hit me...it is my cousin's brother-in-law!! Haha! I'm sure I'll see him at the ball park and I will be the crazy almond lady!!
Later, Shawn and the kids met up with us and we all 6 went to lunch at Johnny Tamales. I smelt some yummy fajita meat and I had to have some. We got in and were seated right away. The waitress informed is the computers went down a few minutes ago and hopefully they would be back soon. We ordered chile con queso and our lunch. The computers came back on and our queso came right out. We ate chips and dip for over 25 minutes and started to wonder about our food. Then our waitress came out and told us that the computers went down and the cooks did not have our order and she would have to enter in our order again. Man! We cut our losses and decided we weren't going to wait around. We grabbed an ice cream cone and headed out the door. We were full from chips, but I was and still am craving those fajitas!
No chocolate covered almonds, no fajitas! What an afternoon! Haha!!
This evening made up for it though. Shawn and Jase went to the Monster Truck Rally with the boys in his family, so that left me and sister sue at home. We played a few rounds of Sesame Street memory, ate popcorn, and read 100 books. Well, not 100 books, but the same 5-6 short books that totaled 100 times! Not kidding. This girl does not mind repetition at all!

Below is Jase at the Monster Truck Rally. Shawn texted and said that Jase was loving it!!

Location:Afternoon Let Down
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