Today was Red, White and Blue day at Jase's school. They sang songs about the USA, memorized the Pledge of Allegiance, and learned facts about Texas. Jase came home and told me that the Capitol of Texas was Austin, the state bird was the mockingbird, and the state flower was the bluebonnet. I remember learning all about that when I was younger as well. I looked up some additional information on the internet and we had fun looking at the map. I remembered that we had the 50 states puzzle, so he got that out and went over the states. I then remembered the Nifty Fifty States Song I learned in elementary and could sing it until about Montana and then I forgot the rest. We looked it up on YouTube, but I don't think he was as amused with it as me!! Below is my Jedi before school this morning.

Shawn is doing well. I get to talk to him about 30 minutes every evening over Skype. His days have been pretty long, so by the time we get to talk, he is worn out. It is crazy how much I normally communicate with him during the day, whether that is email, text or phone. On Monday I was driving down to Texas City and had a question and he is my go-to for directions, but not that day! And then on Tuesday I wanted to ask him something real quick, but I had to wait until the evening. It's great that I am able to communicate with him, I just wish it were more often. 3 more days!
Here is a picture of Shawn and Jim, who Shawn has known for 6-7 years now and asked Shawn to go on the trip. Behind them is the drilling rig/equipment they are using to drill the water well.
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