Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Here We Go

Little Finn has been having a lot of bowel movements these past couple of days.  I started giving him 2 oz of formula twice a day per the doctor's request.  Well this morning I noticed he had blood in his stool, which is not what a Mommy wants to see.  I also think that his stool has been kind of mucusy these past few days as well.

I called the doctor and got an appointment for 11:20 this morning.  I brought 2 of his soiled diapers in and they test positive for blood.  The doctor said that more than likely Finn has an allergy to milk.  My options are to: 1) Eliminate all dairy from my diet if I want to continue to breastfeed and/or 2) feed him a special formula (Alimentum) that has the milk proteins already broken down and it should not result in an allergic reaction.

I would still like to breastfeed, but that means no more real butter, milk, yogurt, ice cream, etc.  Yikes!  I came home from the doctor and I had no idea what I was going to eat.  Most processed foods contain some form of dairy in them.  I was going to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but my bread contains dairy.  I opted for a salad with Italian dressing and snacked on some almonds.  Later I made some oatmeal and then had spaghetti for dinner.  This is definitely going to be a challenge and an adjustment for me . . . I love cheese!  It is time that I cut back; eating blue bell every night probably isn't ideal.  :/

I take him back to the doctor on Monday morning for a weight check and they'll check his stool again then.  It could take over a week (if not more) for the dairy to get out of my system, so the blood still may be present in his stool.  Until then, I will continue to watch him and keep a close eye on his diapers.  So, here we go . . . fruits and veggies for me!  Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You can do it Jessica! Also think that this new diet will help you get in shape faster1 ;) -Ana

Unknown said...

Oh man! I will keep you in my prayers.

Jessica said...

Ana- I know! Hopefully it is a win-win for me and Finn!

Heather- thank you! I'm sure I'll need it. At the store today I was looking for dairy-free chocolate!! ;-) People make vegan cupcakes, so I know I can have sweets if I need to!

Casey said...

I have caught up on all the blogs!! Jess- he's precious! I know the kids are loving him. Good luck with the no can do it!