Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We've Got Mail!

Don't you just love getting mail? I know we do here at the house. And if I'm honest, some days that is the only time I step foot outside: to check the mail. I know, I should get out more!

Jase always asks me if there is mail for him and it seems like once a week there is something for him. More times than not it is from MawMaw in Louisiana. Their local newspaper has a great educational section, usually it pertains to nature, which is right up Jase's alley. Anyway, she will send the kids those sections and the comics occasionally. Last week we read one on frogs and I even learned something, which is usually the case! Frogs have longer back legs than toads, frogs have smooth skin while the skin on a toad is bumpy. Based on this info, I realized that we usually see toads and not frogs. Also, a frog can jump 20 times its body length, then we calculated if Jase had frog legs then he would be able to jump about 80 feet! Pretty neat stuff!

Today we read about the Louisiana gators! The article told us that Louisiana has more alligators than any other state. It also said that birds will sometimes build their nests where alligators live because the gators will eat the predators that try to eat the birds' eggs, so they are helping the birds out. Now it did say that sometimes the gators will run into the trees to try and knock down the nests to eat the eggs, but the eggs have a better chance surviving with the alligators around than without. Interesting!

Some of this is probably over Jase's head, but I read it all to him and try to explain best I can. {I am no creature expert by any means.} Jase runs upstairs and says he wants to get something, an alligator to show me. I think "ok, cool an alligator, at least he was paying half way attention." Next thing you know he comes down stairs with this Lego display he put together to show what I was talking about with the birds' nest and the alligators eating the predators. The white triangles are the eggs and the yellow head is a predator of the birds (such as a possum or raccoon). At first I asked if the yellow head was a human and he immediately told me no, it was a predator. Haha!

I love how his mind works and how he enjoys telling stories with Legos! Guess he was paying attention after all!

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