Monday, October 1, 2012

Week in Review

This past week we were pretty busy and I didn't get a chance to post some of the things I wanted to, so this will be a post from last week's current events.

Finn turned 2 months old last Monday!!  He is smiling so much these days and making so many different noises.  I weighed him in at home and he was a little over 12 lbs.

Our garden stopped producing a while back, probably because the cantaloupe and watermelon choked everything out.  The week before last we noticed a new plant growing: eggplant!! The smaller one up top is bigger than my fist and the one on the bottom is even bigger.  I hope they are good and continue to grow!

I have been trying to give Jase more jobs to do lately.  His latest is setting the table.  Tonight he was setting it for me and kept coming back and asking what else he could do.  :)  Last Tuesday I asked him to switch the clothes over to the dryer and as I was passing by I saw him cleaning out the lint catcher, so I had to snap a pic!

Allyson asked me last week if she could put on her make-up.  Sure, why not?  I need to work with her on where her lips are at!! She totally thought she was putting that lipstick on her lips!

SLOWLY, but surely we will get there.  We will have days with no luck at all and then a day out of the blue we will have success. It has been hard for me to work with her as much as I'd like with a newborn, but we are doing the best we can for now.

Jase is doing a great job with school lately.  I asked him to write a sentence and draw a picture with some of the words we were working on last week {below}.  His favorite subject is math and really enjoys it!

Last Wednesday night we caught Uncle JoJo holding Finn for the first time.  He loves the kiddos, but not much on holding the infants! ;-)
Allyson LOVES the show Doc McStuffins on Disney Junior these days.  She is always giving everyone a check-up! I love it!
Yesterday was Allyson's 2nd Sunday evening in "Big Church".  We need to work on her whispering skills, apparently she has no idea how to do it!! I can't believe she is already old enough to sit in the service!!  I remember when I had Jase and thought he would never be old enough to sit in there; now he has been in there for 2 years and his little sister just started! Time flies!
And this is my baby boy from this morning.  Such a cutie and his little cheeks are starting to fill out!  I just love his blues eyes, like his daddy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It does go by so fast. I love the picture of ally's lips. Lol. Maybe she will start a new trend! Looks like Jase is doing great in school. Looks like you are managing everything great to me. Way to go Jessica!