01.15.2017: We had a fun time at the Dallas Mavericks basketball game!

01.15.2017: Our little Finn earning a Green Apple patch at his Awana meeting!
01.17.2017: Finn at our Classical Conversation co-op during art time!01.17.2017: Allyson at American Heritage Girls. The girls in the Pioneer and Patriots unit taught the girls about making a fire and fire safety. Ally was ready to eat her edible fire!!
01.17.2017: Ally presenting some of her favorite things to her unit to help fulfill a requirement of the "Daughter of the King" badge. She is showing some artwork here; she loves to draw!
01.18.2017: Listening to Allyson read on the couch! It is sometimes wild and crazy!!
01.19.2017: I was able to give her my undivided attention and listen to her read. I'm so glad that she enjoys reading.
01.19.2017: Working with Jase on his writing assignment.
01.19.2017: Enjoying some ice cream at Chick-Fil-A. Deep in thought!
01.19.2017: Jase is always ready for a picture! You should see all the selfies on my phone from him, he is a mess!
01.19.2017: Little Mae trying a cow hat on for size.
01.20.2017: Watching the Inauguration of President Donald Trump with the kids. This was our history lesson for the day!
01.20.2017: We attended a Missionary Conference at our church. Denton Bible Church is very mission minded, which I love since we are commissioned to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:20). Every two years our church brings home as many of our missionaries as they possibly can for a week and they share what has been going on abroad (or local- we have some missionaries who are state side too). Our church does a great job of loving on them and providing meals all week long and this also acts as a team huddle for our missionaries, as it allows them to connect with other missionaries who are working along side them.
01.23.2017: We gathered together with neighbors to watch the funeral procession for Officer Jerry Walker of Little Elm Police Department. He was killed in the line of duty when he responded to a call. Continuing to pray for his family and our law enforcement as they lay their life on the line for our safety.
01.24.2017: I got the privilege to listen to Jase present about a book he had just finished: Boxcar Children. He received a four book set for Christmas and he loved the first one and is on the second one now.
01.24.2017: Art time at CC. Jase was drawing things in nature.01.25.2017: Morning hugs! These two love each other. It is too sweet!
01.25.2017: She loves sticks, flowers, grass, all of nature's goodies! I had to take this picture in order for her to get into the car the and leave the stick on the ground! Ha!
01.27.2017: So funny watching some of the kids in our CC group take a group selfie at the library. Every 3-5 weeks we get together (outside of class time) and meet at the library and the moms of the 4th-6th grades watch a DVD over writing. It gets us a step ahead of what will be taught to our kids during the Essentials portion of our co-op day. While we are watching the DVD and being trained, our Essentials Tutor watches ALL the kids! They bring their work and have Study Hall, review our CC material and then take selfies!
01.28.2017: Mama and Mae at the Harlem Globetrotters in Dallas.
01.28.2017: Group photo minus Finn! I just noticed that. Let me get one with him! Ha!
01.28.2017: Here he is front and center and of course...dabbing! Love my crew!
I've posted quite a few videos on YouTube this past month, so if you want to see us in action, click HERE to check it out! Thanks for reading!
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