They tested him for the flu and strep throat and sure enough he has strep. Ok, I think this was my first time to ever witness anyone, nevertheless my own child, get tested for the flu. They got a long q-tip and gently sampled both nostrils and then they jammed it up one side. Poor little guy, it hurt Jase so bad. :(
On our way home I treated Jase to Tutti Frutti since I thought it would feel great on his throat. He really enjoyed the cookies and cream frozen yogurt!

This kid does not act sick at all. If he wouldn't have been running fever I would have never known something was wrong with him. Today I had to tell him that it probably wasn't the best idea to scream to a Toby Mac song.
Since he was sick he missed his first practice game. Some of his teammates asked about him and it was really sweet. I ended up going to the practice game so I could help in the dugout, but when I got home I told Jase that some of his friends asked about him and he was happy to hear that!
Jase and Ally stayed at home with my mom and that worked out great. After my mom left, Ally realized that she was gone and was NOT a happy camper. She would get mad and yell "come back Nanny!" She threw a small fit and we tried calming her down, but she wasn't having it. She finally stopped crying and this is how we found her.

This is at our back door!! She ended up being out for the night. Both kids are currently sound asleep in their own bed and I pray (I actually did) it stays that way. I have not been sleeping well at all when one of them comes down to our bed. I don't know what it is, but they all want to snuggle up next to me and basically push me off the bed. And Shawn sleeps so sound that he barely knows we have an extra body in the bed! Within the past few weeks there have been many nights where I have ended up in the living room. I hope that is not tonight.
I hope the first practice game went well and Jase is feeling better. Paige wakes up usually once every night. I just get up and put her back in her bed. It is strange, she does not want in our bed and never says anything. It is like she just wants to make sure we are still there. LOL I can NEVER get any sleep with my kids in our bed. Hope you get some rest soon!
The practice game went very smooth I think. We used the baskets with the kids' names on them in the dugout and had them lined up in the batting order and they sat across from their basket on the bench and it worked great! Knock on wood . . . hopefully it continues to work this way throughout the season. Jase is feeling better, still had fever early this morning when he down at 5:45, so I gave him some ibuprofen. He is eating and drinking like usual and playing Legos (of course), so in that sense he is "normal"!
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