Monday, September 21, 2015

AHG Lock-in

Friday {after the park}, Ally and I packed up and headed up to the Church for her American Heritage Girls Lock-in! She was so so excited.
Saturday morning, we got up at 7:00 am and the girls prepped breakfast, ate and we headed out to Shiloh Field. It is the largest community garden in the United States with 14.5 acres. Everything that is harvested at the garden is given to the needy. What a great ministry. Volunteers {individuals and groups} keep it going. By the time we showed up that morning, all of the crops had already been harvested, so they helped out by pulling weeds. All of the food in the bags below is what they harvested that morning. Last year they gave away over 28,000 lbs of fresh food. Amazing.
Here is a video of Farmer Gene explaining the vision and origin of Shiloh Field.
I'm glad Ally was able to go to the lock-in. All of the girls had responsibilities throughout the weekend, like food prep and clean-up. Through the games and songs, she was able to learn her creed and oath for AHG, which she needs for her joining award badge. She made new friendships with some sweet girls from her troop.

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