Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Weekend Fun

The first Sunday in November, Jase wrapped up his fall baseball league. His team jumped up to AA ball, instead of playing in the recreation league. Plenty of improvements to be made, but it was neat to see the competition and the next level. Our boys can definitely hang with any of those teams, but they have to stay consistent and make routine plays. They will get there.
Jase and Colin. Buddies for life made on the baseball field.
We took the kids to the park in Prosper one Saturday this month and the kids loved this big swing. It was so fun to watch them giggle.
Saturday evening I took Ally to see The Little Mermaid musical in Denton. The drama class at Guyer High School put on a huge production every year and this year was The Little Mermaid and last year was Mary Poppins. There was an orchestra down in front of the stage and all of the actors were great! I would definitely compare it to some of the musicals I've seen in Houston, it was that good! And for $10 a ticket...I will definitely keep it on my radar for next year!
Allyson LOVED the performance and was still talking about it 2 days later and asking me what my favorite song or character or part of the musical was! Glad I was able to share this time with her.
Here is Maebry before church on Sunday morning. She has been singing "Let it Go" quite a bit lately and I was finally able to catch her on video say a line or two. She is getting big!

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