Thursday, September 11, 2014

Almost There

I have a song that keeps playing over and over in my head. It is "Almost There" from Disney's "Princess and the Frog". Today we closed on our new home! Woohoo!! "There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'cause I'm almost there."  That's how I am feeling! Ha! The past two and a half weeks have been a whirlwind. We packed up our bags on 8/25 and stayed with my sister for a few days before heading out to Disney. We left on 8/30 and stayed the night in Tallahassee, then 7 nights in Buena Vista, then 1 night in Mobile, Alabama, and 1 night at my sister's. The next morning we headed up to Frisco and have been here for 3 nights. This is our last and final night in a hotel! Yes!! The movers are scheduled to arrive at our new house in the morning! We are so ready to sleep in our own beds and not live out of a bag. "I'm almost there." I'm going to keep on singing!!

Tuesday morning we started our last leg of this journey. We had both vehicles loaded down and the kids packed up and ready to go. See Olaf in the back seat? Haha!!
It wasn't 2 miles down the road and poor Finn got sick. I look back at him in my rear view mirror and can see the orange juice coming up. Poor little guy. I pull over and clean everything up the best I can and we get him strapped back in. He never had any other tummy issues the rest of the day. He had a small fever, but it went away that evening.
After being stuck in traffic for nearly an hour and a half in Huntsville and only going 5 miles {so thankful for DVD players!!}, we finally made it to our new house. We had a walk through scheduled for that afternoon. Below are a couple of pictures of our kitchen, living and breakfast areas. It is an open area and I really think we are going to love this space. We spend so much time together in these areas, I'm so excited to be able to see everyone while standing in one of these spaces. Our last home was more than great, but it was pretty closed off and none of the these three spaces were connected. This was a prerequisite when looking for a new home and I'm so thankful that we found a home that met this criteria. Oh and Finn below is helping us mark spots that needed touching up during our walk through! A roll of tape + a 2 year old = GOLD!
The kids have really been troopers. They have been in the car for quite some time lately, especially with our trip to Disney...16 hours one way. I know they are ready and excited about their new home and to get settled in, just as much as Shawn and I are.
This was yesterday after lunch, walking back to the car. I asked the big kids to hold hands in front of me and then Finn ran up there and took Jase's hand. It was the sweetest thing. Seeing this made my heart smile.
All packed up and ready to go! Shawn loaded up his truck with our belongings from the hotel tonight. This is the last of the final leg of our trip! Oh, and before closing today, I had a doctor's appointment with my new doctor. My blood pressure was fine, weight was up {way up}, and the baby's heartbeat was 147 BPM. Oh, and he did a quick sonogram of the baby to check a few things, which was a nice surprise. I've never had an ultrasound after my 20 week appointment, so this was a bonus. Everything he saw looked just fine. He confirmed that we still have a little girl in the oven, which was nice to know! Ha! The doctor seemed nice and thorough. I'll have another appointment in 2 weeks when I'm 34 weeks and he also does an official sonogram with all of his patients at 34 weeks, so I'll get to see Miss Maebry again!

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