Monday, September 22, 2014

Happenings at our new home

September 22nd...this month is flying by. We have been so busy lately, I rarely have any extra time to sit down and blog. I miss doing it and documenting what we have been up to. The kids seem to be getting used to our new home and surroundings. They have been real troopers with all the change that has been going on. Finn and Jase share a room upstairs and both boys have twin beds. Jase downsized from a double and Finn upgraded from a crib. Ha! They have matching Star Wars bedding and in no time, we will have the room decked out with The Force! Speaking of Star Wars, below is Ally this evening on the left. She told me this is her Star Wars pose! Ha! She cracks me up! And the other picture of her was from last week, when she modeling it up with her tiara and Cinderella light up shoes. I just love her!   
One full week down with homeschooling. Woohoo! I can already tell this year will be more of a challenge for me. Our school days are much longer than last year and I have realized that Jase is not a fan of writing. He has neat print and spells great, but getting him to write several things has become a challenge. We will continue to work at it and I am trying to find the best way to split it up. Last week I even played music from Pirates of the Caribbean {his new obsession} and that helped. Since the start of 2nd grade, he has also started cursive and he loves it!! He said once he knows how to write all of his letters, he will probably use it more when completing his language arts. I'm glad he is a fan of it! Here is a sample of his practice today. I complimented him on it and he wanted me to send it to Daddy for him to see! Sure thing, bud!! Even with all of the challenges that homeschool presents, I am still glad we are going down this road together and I am able to have a part in their daily victories.
My mom came up to visit this past weekend and it was nice having her. We finished sifting through the rest of the boxes indoors, which was great. We had over 100 boxes and some were pretty big. On Sunday we hung up our first decor on the walls. This is in our breakfast area, right across from the kitchen. It is starting to feel a little more like home with our familiar items on the wall. I have still yet to finish painting the chairs and I also want to make a pad for the window seat...maybe this weekend!
Last night, we attended our first church service since the move, and it was great!! 1. It was great to be in the Lord's house, 2. the message was truth, and 3. the kids loved their classes! Kindergarten through 2nd grade stayed together, so that meant that Jase and Ally were in the same class, which was nice for them; a familiar face. After we picked up Jase he said "can we go here next Sunday and the next and the next?" So blessed to hear him respond so positively, when change can sometimes be hard on the kids {and us}. We told him that yes, we plan on coming back next week, but are continuing to ask the Lord to lead us to the right church for our family. This may be the one we end up at, but want them to understand we may visit elsewhere as well. Jase said "If I was leading the family, I would choose this church, but there are probably other good churches too!" He is too funny. Below is a blurry pic of Finn and I after the service. He really enjoyed his class too!
Before moving up to our new area, we signed the kids up for a gymnastics class. It is a homeschool class that meets every other Friday during the day. The older two kids absolutely loved it! They will go again this Friday and are excited about it. The gym is very nice and it has tons of equipment for them to practice on.
I was so proud of Ally during her class. She was doing things that she would have never tried at her old gymnastics class; she was being so brave!! Here is her doing a backwards roll, which is a first!!
And here is Jase jumping around at class; he loved it as well!

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