Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Current happenings

I just can't seem to keep up with the blog these days. The busy season is definitely upon us. We finished up our last day of the semester with our Classical Conversations group on Monday. Hard to believe 12 weeks have already flown by. I am really enjoying this group of kids and moms, and the content I love! I feel like we are finally starting to open up and share with one another. It is nice. We had a Thanksgiving style potluck on Monday and the dads even joined us, which was special. The kids performed the timeline song they work on each week {there and at home} for the dads. Here is a little clip.

Here we are at CC last week during science; the kids were dissecting a flower and labeling all of the parts.
Last night at American Heritage Girls, Allyson had a busy night with jump roping, making a zoology poster and working on Psalm 100. She was also in the flag ceremony...big stuff right there!
The girls also practiced a few Christmas songs for a future caroling outing. So fun!
And a little rhyme they made up to go along with their jump rope time!
This evening we went to our chiropractor for an adjustment. We have been going to her for a few months now, 2-3 times a month. All of us get checked and adjusted, if needed. It is great preventative care and we feel so much better afterwards. 
Tonight Jase had his first basketball practice. We haven't even wrapped up fall baseball yet and basketball season is already underway. He knows a few of the boys from his baseball team, which is nice. We are hoping the Miami Hurricanes have a great season! 
While Jase was at practice {Daddy was at a bible study}, me and the younger kiddos went to Dickey's Barbecue Pit for some dinner. This was our first time to eat there and they ate like champs!
Can I brag on my kids for a second? They behaved so well for me this evening and I thanked them. It really made for a smooth and enjoyable outing. After dinner they each had a little ice cream and they were all smiles!
We wrapped up dinner and picked Jase up from practice. His top three things from practice tonight were:
1. Scrimmaging 
2. Lay-up/rebound drills
3. Defense
He was hungry, so we stopped at Subway. I gave him my card and ID and sent him in to order and pay. I wasn't sure how that would work, but thought I would give it a try so I didn't have to get all the kiddos out. I parked right in front and watched him go in.
He walked out with a grin on his face and held up his subway bag. When he got in the car, he said "Yes! I did it all by myself!" and handed me my card and ID. He is getting older by the minute. Hard to believe he is already 8.5 years old!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sad to watch hem get older but it is neat to see what they can do. Caden gets my gas for me now! LOL It is the small things!