Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our Deer Maebry is One

We had originally planned on throwing Mae a little smash cake party on the night of her birthday last Wednesday. Well, the night before the party we decided that it was best if we postponed it until the weekend. Finn was not feeling well and I ended up taking him to the doctor on Mae's birthday. We had quite a few friends unable to make it due to prior commitments on Saturday, but it all worked out and little Maebry had a great time.

I decided to piggy back on the colors in her room for the party: gold, white, coral, mint and light pink. I actually used a ton of décor from her room for the party, which worked out great and was cost efficient. "Our deer Maebry is one."
I made the cakes and icing for our party. I was going for simple, nothing fancy. I think they turned out just perfect. I used some toothpicks and some mini clothes pins and added the letters to the cakes.
I also made some mini cupcakes. For the little flags I used washi tape I had on-hand and wrapped it around the toothpicks. Then I cut slits out of them to make them look like little banners.
I ordered this sign below off of Etsy and had it printed at Costco. I customized it to fit her party colors and made it all about her! It is now in her room. Super fun!
The party favor table. Each family took home a Bambi book. "Hello deer friend, thank you for coming" was on the label. And they filled up a bag of goodies. Don't tell anyone, but it was Halloween candy! I sorted through it and put them in mason jars and Voila!
I printed 4x4 pictures that I took of her each month. I used mini clothes pins {my favorite} and tacked them to some twine {another favorite} and hung it up with some washi tape {again, favorite}. I plan on arranging these some how in her room on display.
The food. You know I am a sucker for fun food names. Since the focus was Deer Maebry, I went with a forest theme with the names. I'm not even sure anyone noticed the signs, but I enjoyed making them! Oh, and that little bowl of Trail Mix below...Heaven. It is a combination of Cheerios, Chex, pretzel sticks, mini M&M's, and peanuts topped with melted white chocolate chips. Original recipe is found here. Make it, you will thank me! Or maybe not if you're trying to cut back. Ha! Would be great for a Christmas gift to teachers, neighbors, Sunday school teachers, coworkers! Ok, I'll stop. But seriously, so good.
We buckled Maebry up and sang happy birthday to her! She was ready to dig in!
The cake was a hit! She knew exactly what she was doing and enjoyed every minute of it! And she was not about to give anyone a bite!
She slowed down quite a bit and needed something to drink before it all came up!! I pulled the cake away and called it quits! She was not messy with the cake at all, but did put a good dent in it!
She was a little comatose during present time from all the cake, but she loved all of her presents. And so did Ally and Finn!
Don't be left out of the herd...create your antlers! Fun antlers from the Christmas craft section at Hobby Lobby.
I snuck upstairs to check on the boys and they were in Heaven, Lego Heaven that is.
Happy 1st birthday deer Maebry! We love you, sweet girl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Adorable! Love the theme!