Maebry loves to be outside. She is not scared of our 85 lb black lab at all. She will even try to push him away if he gets in her face. Out of all the kids, she appears to be the most fearless; there is not much she is afraid of.
She has new obsession with Minnie Mouse and it is the cutest thing. I think I might know what the theme for her 2nd birthday will be! ;)
I took her in last week for her 18 month check-up and she is a petite thing. She weighs 22 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile) and she is 30.5" tall (17th percentile). Her head circumference is 18" (26th percentile). This is right in line with how she has been from the get go. And Ally was like this as well.
Jase turned 9 last month and he had his annual check-up today. His stats are a little different than Mae's. He weighs 76 lbs and 4 oz (84th percentile) and is 56.25" tall (4'8") (93rd percentile). We've got a big kid on our hands.
We just love Jase. He is a great helper around the house, especially with the younger kids. He loves to read and history is his favorite subject to study. Jase loves anything sports related. He continues to be a Lego enthusiast and his dream job would be to work for Lego! He loves to laugh and play with his friends. And he loves the Lord.
His team won their playoff game tonight 10-5! It was super exciting to watch and we were definitely the underdog. We had not won against this team in the past 6 outings, so it was time. The boys played great and Jase hit awesome. He went 2 for 2 with a walk. The plan is to play the championship game tomorrow, weather permitting. Let's go Rangers!
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