Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rain or shine, life goes on

You would think with all the rain we have been getting lately that I would have more time to be snuggled up on the couch, busy writing blog posts. Ha! It has been the exact opposite. I guess only football and baseball practices and games get postponed due to the weather, but life does not!

A couple of weekends ago we had a semi-date at church! Our pastor presented the history and theology of music on a Friday night and childcare was provided! Can I get an amen? It was very interesting to see the history of music and how it went hand-in-hand with the happenings of society. We thoroughly enjoyed it.
Saturday morning we woke up and met our best friends for breakfast. They were in town visiting some family and were able to squeeze some time in with us. We all loved it. An hour and a half was just too short.
Even though our games were canceled due to the weather, the sun came out and it was beautiful all weekend long. Finn is our up and coming baseball star! I expect great things from this little guy on the baseball field in the years to come. He absolutely loves it!
We are making an effort to get back on track to eat cleaner. Since wrapping up our last Whole30 a couple of months ago, I have completely fallen off the wagon. Whataburger had become our "go to meal" and it was time for a change. So, I sat down and wrote down healthy foods for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Then I put these stickies onto my calendar and planned meals out. It been a huge help to getting focused again.
Maebry hasn't quite mastered it, but she is sitting up pretty well on her own these days.

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