Tuesday, April 28, 2015

8 is Great!

Our first born turned 8 today. Jase Aubrey French. So big! We are so thankful to the Lord for 8 years with him. During his prayer tonight he even thanked the Lord for allowing him to turn 8. So sweet.

Jase, you bring so much joy to our lives. We love to hear you laugh, it is contagious. You love history, animals, Legos, Star Wars and sports. You have become quite the reader these days and it makes Mommy and Daddy happy to see you enjoy books so much. Please remember that we will always love you, no matter what. No matter if you never hit a homerun, if you don't know all of your multiplication facts, and even if you mess up. We love you and pray that you always feel love when around us.

We had the table set-up and ready to go this morning for when he woke up. I love to make it special and exciting for the kiddos. There are always things {thank you Pinterest} I want to do, but never get around to doing. Oh well, there is always next year or the next kid! haha! So we found this 31-inch tall Inquisitor at Walmart on clearance for $7. I've never really bought the kids a ton of action figures; and honestly Jase has never really shown interest in playing with them. But I could not pass up this guy. He is a villain on a show that Jase likes Disney XD: Star Wars Rebels.
Maebry and I were up before everyone else this morning. I expected Jase to be the first one downstairs, but it was Finn! When he saw the table the first thing he said was "are we having a party?"
With some protest, we did have school today. The show must go on as I told them. I did motivate them to finish strong with some lunch plans. Finn put on his own shoes and even brought me mine! We have not had fast food in about two weeks, so this was a treat. The plan was to go through the drive-thru and eat on the way home, but as I pulled in a front row parking space was open and it was a sign to go in and enjoy. Chick-Fil-A was first class today, I must say. Right when I walked in they approached me and asked if I wanted to have a seat and they would take my order at the table. Yes please. I never got up once. They took our order, brought our food, drinks, napkins and sauces to us. What a blessing. Jase said he had to be in every picture since it was his birthday! The kids were great at lunch. And I must add that they all wore Star Wars shirts today, super cute!
When Daddy got home it was present time. Jase did a great job of being patient all day long; I know it was killing him at times to see the presents on the table! Here is a long, 5-6 minute video of him opening his presents from us, if you're interested. The kids crack us up!
We had some homemade cupcakes tonight to celebrate after dinner!
If you know Finn, then you know he is not too fond of the Happy Birthday song. Like he will start crying when he hears it. Every time. At home or in a restaurant...it makes for a fun outing! {insert the emoji gritting teeth face} Well tonight, he did awesome! This is a huge deal. So huge he asked to sing it again, and we did!! I was able to get video the first time and pictures the second go round!
Happy birthday sweet Jase. 8 looks great on you!!

1 comment:

My Family said...

Happy Birthday Jase! 8 is great!