Thursday, January 14, 2016

Back in the saddle

Last week we went back to school, along with the rest of the world. It probably took until Thursday to feel like we were finally in a rhythm. And each day is not the same around here. As much as I initially desired to have a set schedule {breakfast at 8:00, bible at 8:30, math at 9:00...}, it just doesn't work well with kids at various ages. At least not for me. And I have sleepers. I let them sleep. Usually they do not wake up before 8:00 am and I have a couple that can sleep past 9:00 am. So the kitchen can be a revolving door. The first one eats and starts school, the rest of the crew wakes up and I fix them breakfast and by the time the kitchen is clean the one who ate first is ready for a snack. All. Day. Long. Haha! I love it though and wouldn't trade it for the world. 
This past Monday we had our first day back at Classical Conversations. We go 12 weeks each semester, one day a week for 3 hours {plus an hour lunch}. Last semester Finn did not like being in the nursery, so this semester he will be with me, which is usually in Ally's class. On Monday he sat right next to her and participated just like a big boy!! He even volunteered to be the first one to give a presentation at the front of the class!! Next year he'll be old enough to participate in the program, so he is getting some extra practice in. 
The picture above is what I love. It was not staged at all. I found them like this while I was in the kitchen. Granted not every second of the day is like this, but it sure makes my heart smile when I do see it. 
While I'm doing group pictures, here is Shawn watching the Texans game last week. The kiddos sure love their Daddy! Hands down it is crazy at times, but we do love it. 
Along with school, activities have also commenced. Allyson earned 3 badges and 4 patches Tuesday evening at American Heritage Girls. This has been a great experience for her this school year. Working with other girls, listening to her superiors, having fun, learning about the Lord. It is a great program.  
Praise God we are off to a great start this Spring semester. 

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