Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Boys and Girls Harbor

{I am posting this way later than I had originally anticipated.}  For the kids' birthdays (and Christmas) they always get so much, so for this year's party I spoke to Jase about instead of receiving gifts only for him, that we could ask for donations for a local need. {My sister-in-law's children have done this before in the past and I thought it was a very giving idea.} Jase was on board.  I found the Boys and Girls Harbor and their mission is to provide a healthy home for children whose families are going through a crisis.

I called The Harbor and asked what their current needs were and they told me toiletries, insect repellent and such.  I sent out a special note with the invitation.

The guests to his party went above and beyond on the donations.  It was awesome to see what all was brought for The Harbor.

About a week after his party, we drove down to La Porte and delivered the goods.  I'm glad that Jase got to take part in this and hopefully it made a lasting impression on him.  While we were there we saw boys playing and I was able to point out that those boys are just like him.

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