Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Day

I think I am just now recovering from Christmas...along with my house. I still don't want to take down my Christmas tree or decorations; it is so homey feeling. Maybe tomorrow or this weekend!
We had a great Christmas this year. Our children are not early risers at all and we practically had to wake them up to get the festivities going. Here is a clip of Jase and Ally waking up and beginning to open gifts. I remember my parents setting up the video camera on Christmas morning and watching us open gifts, brings back memories.
Ok, so I thought the first thing Jase would see when he came down stairs was Davy Crockett's gun: Old Betsy on the fireplace. He probably opened 3 or 4 gifts before he saw it. Priceless.
My mom came over for a short visit and Jase found his gift from her and PawPaw as we went outside to "take out the trash."
And another surprise as we were walking in, the kids saw their trampoline! Here is Allyson trying it out Christmas morning!
The kids enjoyed opening gifts and Ally really loved opening up the packages! Finn found a snack in his stocking and he was content with that!
We finished up presents at our house and then headed to Shawn's parents' house for family time. The weather was nice on Christmas day. A little chilly in the shade, but in the sun it was perfect. The kids {and Shawn} enjoyed playing outdoors.
Here is a clip of everyone opening gifts at Grandma and Grandpa Frenches house. What a blessing to have so many kids and grandkids present.
Lastly, we headed over to my sister's house to visit with my family, eat dinner and open up gifts there. It was a nice and relaxing time. We had a surprise for Finn over there: a Little Tikes Rock Climber! He, Jase and Ally played on it while we still had sunlight.
At my sister's we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and I told the m&m Christmas story. It was a great day spending time with family. 

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