Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holidays and School

{I just downloaded all of my pictures from my phone to my PC, so this post will be all over the place!} Ha! As you know, last week was Thanksgiving, so we did a little role playing to reenact the Pilgrims' voyage to America and all the way through the celebration of the 1st Thanksgiving. It is really neat {and I'm sure this is planned by the curriculum} but we were reading about the first Thanksgiving right in the midst of our Thanksgiving season; I just thought it was so fitting. The play was all Jase's idea and Allyson very quickly jumped on board. Each of them chose a real life character from our book. Jase was Jonathan Brewster, Allyson was Mary Chilton and Finn was Giles Hopkins.
Below, Jase and Ally were on the Mayflower {he is looking at a map} and they finally landed on Plymouth Rock! The pots set-up had one for food and another for laundry, just like we read about.
A short clip of the kids on the Mayflower!
Here is a glimpse of our school days. Jase in costume, reading the bible. Finn half way on top of the table, writing on Ally's book. And Ally practicing her letters. The weather has been so nice this past week, that some days we will head outdoors right after breakfast and then again after Finn wakes up from his nap. And lastly, reading. I struggled with reading comprehension growing up and was never really much of a reader, so I encourage reading as much as I can. I just love to see Jase pick up a book and drift off into the living room and several minutes later when I check on him, he is on the couch reading a book. Now I'll insert a footnote here: not all days are like this, but here lately this is more the norm.
Here we have Finn, our little "helper". He is LOVING the Christmas tree! I have had to strategically place the ornaments, so the bottom 1/4 of the tree is pretty bare! And if I missed one, Finn will let me know pretty quick by grabbing it off the tree! I am soaking up these days because I know they just fly by!
I've posted before about Jase writing notes and leaving them for me to find, and here are a few from this past week. I never get tired of finding them! :-) 

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