Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mae is 9 months!

Maebry turned 9 months old today! We are three-fourths our way to one year. So hard to imagine.

I take her next week for her 9 month check-up, but according to our scale at home she weighs 16 lbs. She still only has two bottom teeth. She is continuing to eat food that Mama makes and enjoys it. Within the last month she has started standing up on her own, without holding onto anything. Still waiting on that official first step, but it's only a matter of days. She has started drinking water out of a sippy cup and can also drink out of a straw. Throughout the day she will take a bottle and usually at night or nap time she will nurse.
Here is a short video clip of her today on the couch.
And this is clip of her feeding herself at the end of July. Her fine motor skills have been improving so much. If I was a betting woman, I would bet that she is going to be right-handed. It just seems like she favors it more.
Last week the kids put together a Mickey Mouse puzzle that Finn got for his birthday. Mae was loving the puzzle and decided to just stand up on it. The kids thought it was the neatest thing!
And here is a clip of Mae this past Friday standing up on her own. Her balance is getting better day by day.

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