Friday, July 31, 2015

Rock Solid

Jase attended a choir camp the last week of July from 9 am - noon. They learned a full choir performance {including drama} during the week and had their performance this evening. Each day I would pick Jase up, and he would get a little bit more excited about it. Today he told me that next year he wanted to audition for a drama part. We had originally signed up to audition, but he was not showing much interest in it and we did not study the lines to audition. So, maybe next year.

Each day during the camp they had snack, games and craft time. He brought home some really neat crafts throughout the week.
Group picture of the kiddos. Finn wasn't feeling it very much! Ha!
Performance time! All of the kids did a great job singing and performing. I'm so glad he participated. And next year Allyson will be old enough to join in the fun.
What a great message they presented: The Gospel. It's not about us and what we can do. It's about Jesus and what He has already done. And He did it because He loves us that much. We don't have to be perfect to follow the Lord, we are sinners, we fail, we mess up. And that's ok. God gives us grace and mercy, and oh boy do we need it. The Christian life is not about following a set of rules. We live in freedom because Jesus has set us free. Do you truly know Him?
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

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