Sunday, November 17, 2013

Couples Shower

Last night Shawn and I went to a couples shower for Jeanie and Duane. It was really a great time hanging out, reminiscing about old times and talking about the wedding! I'm so excited about for Jeanie and Duane and can't wait until it's official!!

The party was hosted by a mom of Duane's best friends. She lives at Shepherd and 610, just north of the loop. Oh. My. Goodness. I had no idea what gems were tucked away in that part of town. It kind of reminded me of the Heights area. Super cute. And I loved the mature trees. So inviting.

Their home was beautiful, just one of a kind. And obviously, because I took pictures!! So look at the invite below, then look at the backyard...see a connection?? The strings of lights!! As we were driving home I looked down at the invitation and put 2 and 2 together. Pretty neat. Everything was set-up to a T from the tables to the meal to the mini pies from a local bakery, it was grand.

If you don't mind, I'm going to share a few pics of this house with you...I just LOVED it!! In this first group of pictures was the kids play area. I was so fun in there and the hand painted doggie border was too cute!!

These next pictures are of the living and dining room areas. I mean a swing the living cool is that?!? And all the rustic antiques...can you tell why it was speaking to me!?! It was so dreamy! I spoke to the homeowner for a quite a while when I first arrived and she is a big fan of Antiques Week in Round Top. :-)

Here is the Bride-to-be with some of her bridesmaids. All 4 of us graduated from Deer Park in 1998, which I think is pretty neat! Go Big Deer! lol!

We were all standing around talking and this song comes on and Jeanie mentions that it is Duane's song. Like all time favorite from when he was a kid. It is about the life of a truck driver and Duane gave us a little show as we were gathered around him!! {And maybe I thought it was so funny because I honestly have never heard this song before and it was his favorite!}

It was a fun evening and here is the engaged couple on the eve of their wedding shower!

While we were gone, the kiddos were having some fun of their own. Nanny came over and watched them and GiGi and her grand-babies also came over to play. Nanny said they had a good evening playing with their cousins. Here is Avery and Finn playing together!

And Finn loves to be pushed and to push people in the baby stroller. Here he is pushing Avery!!

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