Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Close call

I'm not sure if you remember, but last year, my precious daughter picked up my laptop and slammed it to the ground. I was devastated. I hadn't backed up to my external hard drive in a while and all of our pictures from our Disney trip were still on my computer and not on my external HD yet. :(

My laptop was dead I tell you. An IT person my mom knew took a look at it and he couldn't recover a thing and said the hard drive was definitely crashed. Boo!!

I was considering sending it to an IT place and pay them an obscene amount of money to take a look at it. I wanted my pictures back!!

My stepdad had an old friend that worked on computers, so he said he would take a look at it in his spare time. They would look at it a couple hours here and there over the course of a few weeks. They ended up putting my hard drive in the freezer and did a couple of other things to unjam the hard drive. They recovered my whole hard drive. Miracle I tell you!!

That brings me to my close call I just had last night. My laptop was on the kitchen table {I have been reading up on eating Paleo...but that is another post for another time!} and I was in the bathroom getting the kids ready for gymnastics.

Well, I hear this crashing sound in the other room. I run in there and on my way I immediately knew it was my laptop. :(( Of course, my cord fanatic son grabbed the cord and down came the computer slamming against the hardwood floors. Bummed I tell you. I didn't have time to mess with it right then so I put it up and off we went to gymnastics.

After I got home last night and the kids were down, I started taking a look at it. Whew!!! I was able to pull everything up and nothing seemed wrong. So, guess what I did next?? You guessed it, I backed up! Close call for sure!

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