Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Ally has stayed the night away from home a few times and has done well. Well, she was recently invited to a birthday party sleepover, which was a first!! Everyday for about a week she asked if it was "the sleepover day"; she was so excited!! The mom hosting the party told me if she didn't want to stay the night, then no big deal I could just come and get her later that evening. I kept prepping Ally for the sleepover and telling her that if she was ever scared or wanted to come home to just tell Miss Cheryl to call me, that it was no big deal. The day before the party I told her that and she said "don't worry mom, I'm going to be brave!" Hahaha!

I got her all packed up and we headed over to the party. She walked into the party so big and you could already tell she was going to be ok. She ended up making it all the way through the night and Miss Cheryl said she was a joy to have over. I was so thankful it was a good experience for her. And also considering she is 2 years younger than the rest of the girls too.

Now the next morning was a different story. She did not want to go into her Sunday School class (and Miss Cheryl is even in her department); she said she wanted me. {love her} I'm not sure if she missed me or was just tired. So, she went to my Sunday School and into big church with us too. I made sure she understood this was a one-time deal and she understood. We shall see this Sunday.

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