Saturday, November 16, 2013

Little Notes

I'm not going to lie, there are some long days with the kiddos at home everyday. Don't get me wrong, I love it and am enjoying spending so much time with them and wouldn't trade it, but when my alone time is for 20 seconds in the bathroom before they find's time to take a step away and get a breather!!

So, that's exactly what I did last night. I had to run an errand, so I stayed out for a bit and went to a few stores and did a little shopping. I was probably gone for 3 hours tops, but it was a little break. Just enough for me to recharge.

I set my bags down on the table and see this little note.

And then I look down and see this one.

Can I tell you that it completely melted my heart!?! "I love ya." Just when you think the kids wouldn't even notice you were gone, you find this little note from your 6 year old waiting for you. And the next morning Ally came down the stairs and the first thing she said was "I missed you Mommy!" Finding these little notes and hearing my daughter tell me she missed me {when she sees me all day everyday} is such a blessing and a reminder to soak up every minute I can with them.

Oh and while I was out shopping, I just loved seeing all of the Christmas decor out in the stores. So much so that it made me come home and decorate a little. Big thanks to Hubby for pulling everything out and helping me!

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