Tuesday, January 21, 2014

He lost a BIG one!

Let me just start off this post by saying if you have a weak stomach, you may want to sit this one out!! If losing teeth doesn't bother you, then you're probably good.

Both of Jase's front two teeth are pretty loose. And one of them in particular has been sticking out, straight ahead for the past couple of days. Today when he was eating lunch I had to cut his sandwich up in bite-size pieces because he could not bite it!

This afternoon we were in the living room and I noticed just how loose it was {he would not let me touch it!} and I told him to get a kleenex and pull that thing out!! Here is his attempt to pull it out!

After he tried pulling it out, here is what he was left with: his tooth turned all the way around!!! Gag! After I told him that, he told me that he felt sick!! Ha! We made our way into the bathroom and he spit a few times in the sink, but he kept everything down!
 A few moments later, he got it! We were so excited. Finn was in there too and we all gave hi-fives!! Shortly after that he told me that the tooth fairy would be coming and then softly whispered "that's you!" 

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