Wednesday, July 15, 2015

8 months for Mae

Our sweet girl turned 8 months this past Saturday {11th}. She is literally everywhere, crawling like crazy. She is pulling up on whatever she can get her hands on. She has even started letting go while standing up on her own. So big!! 
Maebry is a great eater. I made her some cinnamon butternut squash today and she ate it up. She also had banana and avocado today. She is still nursing and takes a few bottles a day as well. She plays well on the floor by herself. The car is still not her friend. Sometimes she is fine and other times she just wants out. We are already looking forward to turning her around at 1 year old. Hopefully reaches the 20 pound mark in time! 
She has started to babble quite a bit and we love it. She even has her squeal down! 
Love this little girl to bits and thank God for allowing us to be her parents. 

1 comment:

My Family said...

Wow, she has changed! Such a pretty girl!