Friday, July 31, 2015

Vacation Bible School

The day after we returned home from Louisiana, we started Vacation Bible School. I volunteered in the preschool department assisting with crafts, so we all had a full week ahead of us. And it was from 9 am to noon, so it was up and at 'em every morning.
Since I was working in Preschool Crafts, I would see Finn everyday for 25 minutes. I loved this!! And a couple of days he was sad when he had to leave. It was sweet. I enjoyed seeing him work on crafts and he is quite the colorer. Most kids his age get bored with coloring, but not him, he will keep on and on until there is no more white on the page!
I had a chance to head over to the sanctuary on the last day and watch the two big kids.
Here is Miss Ally dancing to one of the songs.
On the last day we Skyped with one of our missionaries from Serve Kenya. The VBS workers donated school supplies for the children who are part of this ministry in Kenya, and they received them the week of our VBS. They sang "Jesus Loves Me" in their language and our kids sang a VBS song to them. It was pretty neat to witness.
It was a great week and the kids had a blast. All of the bible verses and lessons for the week were out of Proverbs. One of the songs they learned was based on Proverbs 19:20: "List to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise." I can still hear the words to that song in my head.

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