Sunday, September 11, 2011

Superb Sunday

What a great day we had.  We woke up and got ready for church and not only were we on time, but a little early! :)  That doesn't happen ever very often, so it was nice for a change.  We decided to wear our red, white and blue to support the USA as remember what happened 10 years ago on this very day.  May we never forget not only what happened to our country, but also what Jesus did for us some 2,000+ years ago.  He left His heavenly throne, to come here and live a sinless life and die for our sins.  Then after paying the ultimate price, he defeated death by rising on the 3rd day...Thank you Jesus!! So comforting knowing that if you put your trust and faith in Him, there will be no question where your spirit will go when you leave this live with Him for eternity.  Praise God!!!

After Sunday School and Church we stayed at the church and loaded up 5 vehicles and a trailer full of waters, food, clothes, first aid supplies, toys, diapers, and other supplies to help the wildfire victims and fire fighters.  Praying that they are able to use these supplies to help them during this time.  May God be with the victims, fire fighters, and volunteer workers.

We made it back in time for evening service and that was a blessing as well.  Pastor Tim talked about still believing in God's power and the ability of Him to still perform miracles.  He referenced Acts 3 where the lame man was sitting outside the temple asking for money, and in short Peter told him in the name of Jesus to rise up and walk.  The bible says that this man had never been able to walk since his birth, but on this day he walked, leaped and praised God.  Talk about a miracle.  God is still able to do this today.  I pray that I have faith like that to believe in God's miracles.

We just finished up some ice cream and are watching the Houston Texans game from earlier today that we recorded.  What a great day!  I'm ready for what the week ahead brings!

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