Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love this kid!

Yesterday morning Jase and I were in the bathroom together {don't worry, I was fixing his hair}. I was acting like he was in my barber shop and started talking to him like he was my client. {We do this often, I call my place Jessa Salon...I know, I'm special!} The conversation led to me asking him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He thought for a second and here is our conversation.

Jase: Half missionary and half explorer.
Me: Oh that sounds like fun! You get to travel around and tell people about Jesus. The best of both worlds!
Jase: Yeah, I'll be in the Caribbean Islands.
Me: Oh Wow. Very exciting.
J: And if that doesn't work out, then I'll go to South America.
M: {I smiled!!} How old are you going to be when you go there?
J: Probably when I'm 26.
M: That's good. After you meet a godly woman and get married? Y'all can share this adventure together!
J: Yes!

I just love him. I pray that Shawn and I are preparing him for the what the Lord has in store for his life. I told him that he can do anything in his life; the sky is the limit!

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