Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day!

This past Thursday night I was about to go to bed and it dawned on me that I didn't really do anything for the kids for Valentine's Day. And not that I forgot, but I did not want to buy a bunch of candy {we have been cutting way back}. So, I stayed up and made them homemade cards and found some things I had on-hand. When they woke up, they loved it and it made my heart smile!
Later that morning, the kids worked on Valentine's. Both of these kiddos LOVE crafting. Allyson will make "cards" until she is blue in the face. She has made just about everyone we know cards. We have even hand delivered some cards per her request. I love her passion!
Later that afternoon, we met some friends at the park for our Homeschool Valentine's Day party. It was a nice and relaxed afternoon with friends. The kids snacked, decorated bags, exchanged Valentine's and played. Perfect, if you ask me.

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