Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Starting the day off right!

When I woke up this morning, I was determinted to make it a great day!! Before my feet hit the floor this morning I had my quiet time with the Lord and read His word. What a blessing it was. While doing my devotion this morning, these verses stood out to me.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.  James 1:19-20

I could have definitely used this yesterday while at a store with the kids, trying to buy them some clothes and Jase kept disappearing on me on purpose.  And there was even a play area in the store, but he kept getting up and wandering around.  I do realize he is a kid, but after nearly losing him in NYC last summer at FAO Schwarz...very traumatic...playing around in stores is no joke. 

I tried to explain that someone could take him and went through the whole spiel of my job is to keep him safe.  Needless to say it wasn't the funnest experience in public (nor the worst...thank goodness!).  He got his spankings (as promised) from me when we got to the car and his response was "that hurt".  TV was taken away from him the rest of the day.  And we also implemented a rule a while back that if Mommy has to spank you, then you will also get spankings from Daddy when he gets home.  I say all of that to say that to say that I was determined to make today a better day, and so far so good.

After my quiet time, the kids were up and I got them dressed and we headed outside to ride bikes.  Since it was before 10 am, you could still find some shade along the sidewalks, which was nice. 

On the road again!

Allyson smiling at Mommy!

Jase smiling at Mommy...never fails that one of them is not looking...conspiracy!
After our bike ride we came inside and ate breakfast and listened to KSBJ (Contemporary Christian Radio) and danced in the kitchen together.  Praying that our day continues to be great!

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