Sunday, September 1, 2013

Allyson turns 4!

September baby girl is 4! As I was laying Allyson down tonight I told her why I was thankful for her {here are a few things I told her: she is kind, she shares her ice cream, she is sweet, she has a big heart} and then I began to tear up. Then she looked at me and said "You're the best." Moments like this are priceless.

We had a great day today. She woke up this morning on her own, with her new Cinderella alarm clock. She even turned the alarm off on her own. So big!! We went to church this morning to worship the Lord. Then we ate lunch real quick and headed to the movies. We took the older two to see Disney's Planes. It was a cute movie and we all 4 enjoyed it. Finn was at my mom's so we headed over there afterwards to pick him up and visit. We had a fun time over there and it was nice to catch up with the family for a change.

We ate dinner at the house and finally made our way up to Baskin Robbins for some birthday ice cream just before they closed! John and the boys joined us for some 31 Flavors and it hit the spot. Allyson enjoyed her Cookies 'N Cream {in a special chocolate covered waffle cone with sprinkles}, Jase had Lemon Custard {I don't know why, but he has ordered that the last few times!}, Shawn had Mint Chocolate Chip {I don't think he knows there are other flavors available because he gets it every time}, I scarfed down Chocolate Peanut Butter and Finn had Vanilla Soft Serve.

Oh and for the record, I did put a #4 candle on her breakfast this morning! I had to make up for yesterday's mishaps at PPP! Happy Birthday, sweet Allyson!

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