Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What We've Been Up To

School is well underway this year. It is really going well. Not that we don't have hard days or that the kiddos do not keep me on my toes, because they do. But all in all, we have been enjoying "school." Here are a few pictures of the kiddos lately during school.

This was a fun game we played. We took turns rolling a die and the number you landed on, you received the same number of pieces of rice crispie cereal. You placed the cereal in the Ones column. Once you reach 10 pieces of cereal, you trade it in for a pretzel stick to place in the Tens column. First one to get 5 pretzel sticks wins! We all enjoyed it!!

He loves birds...just like his Daddy!!

So today I began teaching her my phone number. Her curriculum had a suggestion of singing the phone number to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". It started off that way, but ended up being more like a rap! It was pretty funny. If it wasn't my phone number, I would so post the video! And I'm happy to report that she already has it down!!

Look at this cutie! She enjoyed some chocolate icing from a beater this week! After she finished, she told me "I look like a pirate!" My little Pirate Princess!!

Ok, this was hilarious!! We were getting ready to get out and run an errand and Jase decided to help me out and fix Ally's hair!

Here is some video footage I got!!

And here are a couple videos of Ally. I just LOVE watching her play. She has such an imagination and plays so well by herself. I love hearing her conversations and the different voices/accents that she has.

And lastly, here is a video of the kids looking at a map. Jase loves loves geography and he could look at a map all day! {Just like his Daddy too and this makes my heart happy!} Maybe Allyson is picking up on the geography love as well!

Yesterday was Shawn's mom's {Peggy} birthday. We celebrated with them after Jase's practice and it was a nice time visiting with everyone. Happy Birthday!! 

And as for me, I've been doing a bit of exercising. Back in May I signed up for a boot camp fitness class and I really enjoyed the challenge. I was attending 3 days a week and burning some great calories. Well, Shawn was going out of town the first week of September, so I did not want to sign up since I would miss the first week. Anyhow, I started running/jogging since I was not doing boot camp. Surprisingly, I have really been enjoying it. My left knee started hurting some, so I bought a knee brace and that has helped wonders. {I may end up with a brace on both knees!! LOL!} Then I started thinking about challenging myself and doing some sort of race. Ok...I signed up tonight...a half marathon! Eeek!! Nervous and excited all at the same time.

I. Am. Not. A. Runner. I am not built for running and have never really ran long distances in my life {maybe 2 miles here and there in high school with softball}. Tonight was a true test: run for 1 hour! I think I was praying the entire time "Dear Jesus, please help me. If I finish this, it is so not of me. Help me, push me." I got through it and ran 4.75 miles. Not record speed by any means, but I was so proud to have finished it. And Shawn has been great this past month! He has been so supportive and encouraging me with every run! So, good Lord willing I will be participating in a half marathon in February. 13.1 miles...wowsers! :-)


Carolyn Wallace said...

Wow! That is awesome, running for a straight hour, good job! I am barely up to 3 miles and I have a half marathon in November that I'm signed up for. Don't think I'll be ready by then, but I'll still do the race even if I have to walk most of it. I guess it is taking me a little longer to get back into half marathon shape than I thought. Good luck with you're training, you're on the right track!

Jessica said...

Thanks Carolyn! I am kind of in uncharted waters with this! And hoping I am on the right path. And awesome of you!! You just had two babies not that long ago and you're already back in the saddle!! And hey, at least you have a "half marathon shape" body is probably in shock! Best of luck to you! Can't wait to read all about it!