Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch

On the way home on Wednesday, we drove up to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch.  I haven't been there since 8th grade (same time as the Alamo visit) and we knew the kids would love it, so it was a must see!

I was really surprised how much Allyson loved it!!  She has been my little scaredy cat lately, so I wasn't sure how she would do.  I was mistaken though . . . she was talking to the animals and wanted to feed them like crazy; I had to hold her back from hanging out of the car!!  Just listen to how sweet she was to the animals!

And the infamous ostriches!!  These things are NUTS!!  If you've never been, let me warn you that they will get in your car in an instant.  I have a traumatic experience from when I went in the 8th grade.  I was sitting in the passenger seat and we had our bucket of food sitting in the middle of the car, below the radio, and all of a sudden this ostrich comes up, puts his whole head in the car and grabs the bucket of food!!! Right in front of my face . . . very traumatic!! I remember freaking out and reclining the chair back as far as it would go.  My mom was in the back seat with my younger sister and brother and she snapped a picture of the ostrich coming in and grabbing the food, it was priceless!!  Needless to say, our windows stayed up when they were in sight!!

And as we were about to exit the ranch, we witnessed two blackbucks fighting each other.  It was AMAZING!!!  We were all locked in on it and could not believe this was going on; this was something you would normally see on National Geographic, but we were seeing it just feet in front of us!!  Pretty cool!

Here is some video footage Shawn got.

We had a great time and we will definitely be going here again!!

1 comment:

Casey said...

i loved this as a kid!! how fun. i was lol at your post about the fire drill and 21 flights of stairs. you poor thing. you look awesome by the way! precious family!