Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pixie Dust

During our school time Allyson is usually in and out of the conversations. I work with her, but it is pretty much at her leisure.  At this point in time she doesn't have a set routine or curriculum.  Now I did recently buy the first book in the Explode the Code series for her, but we've only done about 5-7 pages in it.  Anyhow, she will hear Jase ask me how to spell words and I will have him sound it out or tell him how to spell a word {I enjoyed spelling in school...yes, I loved school!}.  So probably for the past 2-3 months she has been asking me to spell words.  "Mom, how do you spell friend, love, princess?" and so on.  She'll even spell her own words. "Mom I can spell lion D-H-R-R-E." :-)

Well, the word she always asks me to spell is Pixie Dust.  We heart Tinker Bell!  Today we were in the homeschool room and she asked "Mom, how do you spell Pixie Dust?" I replied with "P-I-X-I-E D-U-S-T" as I always do.  I can't remember where the conversation went from there, but the next thing I know she is spelling Pixie Dust!!! I honestly could not believe my ears!!!  I guess she is actually listening to me!  I even asked her to spell it tonight to see if I could catch her off guard, but nope she was right on! Here is Allyson spelling Pixie Dust this morning! #childgenius

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