Friday, January 11, 2013

Today's Pinterest Trials

I could not sleep last night, so I spent some time on Pinterest and came across some things to try today. {As if I don't have enough to do!}

The first one was a "game" {sounds more appealing than a busy activity} that involves putting clothes pins on a note card. Super easy and Allyson loved it! I cut note cards in half and then wrote 3-4 letter words {except her name} on the note cards. Then I wrote the letters of the alphabet on the clothes pins, 2 of each letter. And I wrote the vowels in a different color for later teaching. At first I put lowercase on one side and left the other side blank. {Most of the words on the cards are lowercase with the exception of a few names.} Then I decided to go back and put letters on the other side of the pins, just in case they were not attached to the strips of paper, it would make it easier for her to find. I put lowercase letters on the back side and hind sight I should have put capitals. Oh well! I'm not doing it over again. {And Alisha I owe you some more clothes pins! ;-)} I ended up cutting out strips of card stock and putting the pins on there so all of them would be facing the same direction and she could find the letters faster. I put everything in a gallon Ziploc and wallah! Now I did not actually read the details of the Pin; I saw the picture and ran with it!

Ally really had fun doing this. She was able to find the letters to spell the words on the cards. She has not perfected opening the clothes pins yet, but she is getting there; great fine motor skills practice.

And lastly, Vaseline on your eyelashes! If you know me, I do not wear make-up everyday . . . No time for that! I ran across this Pin that said putting Vaseline will darken your eyelashes and thicken them a bit. As you can see below, it did add a little bit more volume, not a ton by any means. And it is only on my top lashes in this picture. My current mascara was almost out, so I cleaned off the wand and put Vaseline on it. I do not have the best technique of applying the Vaseline to the wand!! If you see me out and about and wonder why I have grease on my eyelashes, you'll know why! ;-)

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