Sunday, October 26, 2014

Patience at 39 Weeks!

39 weeks today! I am definitely in a trial period with patience. Ha! I keep reminding myself that Maebry is still developing and growing, and not quite ready yet. I usually wake up everyday wondering "will today be the day?" So far, not yet!! :)

I went to the doctor on Friday and I have progressed some from last week. I am nearly 2 cm dilated and almost 50% effaced. Physically, I am feeling ok, aside from a couple of things. For the past month my hands have been constantly numb or tingly. I spoke to the doctor about it and it is like having carpal tunnel when you're pregnant. It should go away shortly after delivery. I sure hope so. And then earlier this week my left ankle started hurting and has progressively gotten worse. Yesterday the outside of my ankle was pretty swollen and it felt like I had turned it. I took it easy last night and put ice on it and I think that helped, because it was much better today. No telling what happened.
Here is my little baby trying out Maebry's little bed. I think he understands he is about to have a baby sister, but we shall see what he thinks about her when she arrives! I pray he is gentle with her!

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