Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funday

Today was good. We got up this morning and attended church. Shawn and I went to a Married Bible Fellowship class and really enjoyed it. They are just starting a study on the book of Colossians and today's introduction was great. I loved all of the history about the City of Colosse, Paul and what he was going through while writing this letter. They use the Expository Bible Study method, which means they go verse by verse to explain the text. It is really a thorough way to study the word, seeking truth and a clear interpretation of His word. I know that it is very easy to take a verse out of context if you pick and choose verses here and there and then apply them to your situation, rather than understanding how the Lord meant for them to be applied. The senior pastor also uses this methodology every Sunday for his messages; we are in 2 Corinthians during that time.

For the Married Bible Fellowship class, the leader gives his message and then he posts questions for all of the tables to address together. It is a very relaxed atmosphere, as he said you can use none or all of the questions for group discussion. We had two other couples at our table and they were super nice. One couple had 4 kids and homeschool and the other couple had 3 kiddos and the husband works in the oil/gas industry; so we connected with both couples. We also picked up information on Small Groups near us and hope to get connected with one of them very soon. It is basically a Sunday School class that meets during the week and it is close niche group of people you invest in and do life together. I am excited about this!

We came home after church and just relaxed for the afternoon. We were eating lunch and watching the Texans football game and one of JJ Watt's commercials came on. Ally turns to us and says "JJ Watt is handsome!" Shawn and I met eyes had to do a double take on what she said. We had a discussion about what handsome meant and even Jase chimed in "it's when someone looks nice." I wasn't sure she truly understood what she was saying, so I tried to help by saying, maybe you meant "JJ Watt is funny or JJ Watt is strong." She immediately responded with "or handsome". We all lost it!! Apparently she does understand what it means. She was all sorts of giddy. T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

This evening we went back to church for the evening service and the kids went to Awana's. The kids seem to be adapting very well and have been very flexible with all the changes. Finn cries a little when we drop him off, but he was doing that before we moved. All of the teachers say that he calms down right away, so that is comforting. After church we ate dinner at good old Whataburger. While we were there I looked at Shawn and said "you know eating out as we know it is about to come to a halt once the baby comes?!" He completely agreed. It was funny, this morning the couples at our table were talking about being late all the time with little ones {one couple has a 3 month old}. Then nursing came up and they very quickly refreshed my memory {i.e. the baby always wanting to nurse, nursing in the car and trying to keep the other kids quiet/preoccupied}. Fun times! Ha! So yes, life as we know is about to change!

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