Saturday, October 8, 2011

Walk to END Alzheimer's

For several years now PawPaw (Pappy) Gumm (my stepdad's father) has been suffering from Alzheimer's.  The disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.  There currently is not a cure for Alzheimer's, but only treatments that can temporarily slow the worsening of dementia.  Research is currently being conducted to better treat the disease, delay the onset and prevent it from developing.  You can read more about it here.

He is a sweet man and such a hard worker.  When I think of him I think of his love for LSU, golf, bowling, nickname "Cowboy", John Wayne movies, his saying of "oh mighty Joe" and a love for his family.  He is not a man of many words these days, but I remember him telling story after story, and boy did he know how to tell a story.  :) 

MawMaw, Jessica, PawPaw Gumm, and Aunt Carole Ann
My stepdad started a team to walk in support of PawPaw/Pappy.  Side note: we have started calling him Pappy because having two PawPaw's was confusing to Ally!  Now that I think about it, I hope we are not adding to his confusion.  Sheesh!

Allyson, Nanny, PawPaw, Uncle Shannon and myself drove up to The Woodlands this morning for the Walk to END Alzheimer's.

Before we got started they sang The National Anthem and a lady led everyone in some stretches.  Reminded me of that show on PBS: Sit and Be Fit.  Haha!  Then, all of a sudden she started explaining steps for a line dance.  I believe that "Boot, Scoot, Boogie" was playing! LOL!  I wasn't really feeling the line dance, so I just watched, but my mom thought she'd be funny and join in.  See below!!

It felt great to get out this morning and get some good exercise for a great cause!!

Allyson loves taking pictures with Mommy's camera!


Virgie said...

This was so neat.. enjoyed readingit and the fact of just what ya'll did..
love you all
Virgie and Mark

Jessica said...

Thank you for reading Virgie! :) I'm glad that we did it!

Casey said...

im cracking up at your mom doing the line dance! you know that took her back. and the sit and be fit!! LOVE IT :)

Jessica said... was pretty funny! :D