Friday, July 13, 2012

Rainy Days

Wow . . . we have been getting some rain these past two days.  Definitely not complaining, but it has kept us in the house quite a bit.  Yesterday afternoon we did get out for an hour or so and ran an errand, but other than that we have been at home.  We have stayed busy with school, playing kitchen, sharpening our Jedi skills, and such. 

I am 37 weeks today and considered full term.  The baby has been extra active since my exam on Wednesday.  Not sure if my doctor kick-started something, but Finn has been moving up a storm.  Now that I know that I am progressing I am very aware of every little pain and movement I feel.  I keep thinking "Is this it?"  I'm sure it is a complete mind game, but I am becoming paranoid.  Can't wait for hubby to be back home for sure.

My sister went to get a pedicure this morning and asked if me and Ally wanted to join her.  I told her that Ally could, but I was going to hang at the house.  I had a friend that got a pedicure or a foot rub and right after that she went into labor . . . no thank you!  Could be a complete coincidence, but I'll save that for next weekend! ;-)

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