Friday, April 6, 2012

All About Ally

Every morning when Allyson wakes up, she will stay in her bed and call for me to come and get her.  She won't even get out of her bed.  Earlier this week it was time to get up for school so I turned on the hall light and called for Jase to wake up.  Next thing I know I hear someone sliding downstairs.  I go in the hall and it is Jase and Allyson together.  THIS IS A FIRST!!  I guess he heard her or woke her up and went and got her.  It was so sweet, they were holding hands and sliding down together.  Picture quality is terrible since the lighting on the stairs is not all that great, but you get the idea.  The same thing happened this morning, but when I asked Jase if she was already awake in her room or if he woke her up, he was silent and did not answer.  I told him that is very sweet of him to get her, but not to wake her up again.

I know I've posted on here before how much Ally loves to pick flowers.  I mean, it does not get old to her at all; it is so cute.  And it never fails, after she has picked some flowers she will bring me a handful and say "Happy Valentine's Day".  Just melts my heart.  I picked up a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store yesterday and Ally has just oohed and aahed over them on the kitchen table.  She told me that those flowers are for Mommy and Ally!  You got it girl!
Ally at Jase's baseball practice with her freshly picked flowers!

While we were up in the craft/Lego room this week, Allyson found plenty of things to keep herself preoccupied with, especially when she found the pink curling ribbon!!  She would not stop pulling it off the spool.  I finally had to take it away from her and cut it off the spool to minimize the mess.

Hard to believe that she is over 2 1/2 years now.  My baby girls is getting so big.  Allyson is my little shadow and wants to be with me or in my lap all the time.  Now that I have a good-sized tummy it is getting a little more difficult for her to sit comfortably in my lap.  It will be interesting to see how she reacts when Little Man gets here.  On one hand I think she is going to be jealous of him, then on the other hand she is such a mother hen and I think she will want to help quite a bit.  Four more months and we'll see how this all plays out.

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