So in the midst of baseball season, planning Jase's birthday party . . . why not have a garage sale too?!? ;-) A little spring cleaning before the baby arrives! The garage sale is scheduled in a couple of weeks. Surprisingly, I have actually made some good strides to get ready for it. I have went through my closet (and cleaned it out), went through the kids playroom, and labeled several items. Hopefully I can continue to do a little each day and I will be prepared.
While cleaning out my closet, I came to my bags and purses . . . this is so a weakness for me. I have always liked bags, any size, it didn't matter. I am actually parting with a few of them and am ok with it! Haha! I subscribe to Vera Bradley's emails and I told Shawn jokingly the other day that I needed to unsubscribe because it is so tempting when I receive those emails. I love bags, patterns and fabric, so Vera's bags/purses are a bad combination for me. ;)
When I switch purses, it is usually last minute and the old one gets tossed in the closet. Well, yesterday when I was cleaning up I went through all of my purses and cleaned them out. There was obviously a common theme in items left behind. 1. Pens and pencils - I have ALWAYS loved school supplies. I remember getting my allowance or some birthday money and I would head straight to the school isle. I would buy Lisa Frank stationary or the latest gel pens. And I am still that way today! 2. Food, mainly little chocolates. It's like I'm going to starve or something! I remember when I was younger, like 4-5 years old, and I came back from my dad's house from spending the weekend with him. I was showing either my mom or my nana the contents of my purse and I pulled out a leftover cheeseburger from McDonald's still in the wrapper. No telling how long it had been there. If I could have only recognized that was the beginning of food and attachment issues! Haha!!
Updated . . .
I was walking into my bedroom and passed Allyson in the living room. She was moving crayons (school supplies) from one bag to another!! YIKES . . . have I created a monster?
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