Friday, June 8, 2012

Operation: Clean House

Today was a great day.  Jase and I got up together and started the day off wonderfully.  We got to eat breakfast and read the bible together.  We do a nightly devotion, but I want to get in a routine of being in the word together more.  Since we normally eat breakfast together, I cannot think of a better time to do it!  I started off in 2 Peter since Jase has had a fascination with that book lately and I read a couple of chapters.  Then he said go to Mark 15 and I read from there until the end of the book.  It was great and it definitely got my mind ready for the day.  Sister Sue woke up shortly and it was bath time for all.  Jase took his shower first and then the girls took one together.

I told Jase and Allyson that the TV was not coming on until the living room and kitchen table were clean.  Confession: the house has not been in that great of shape probably since Jase's party.  I mean we've picked it up here and there, but the life-size Darth Vader has still been hanging out in our living room!! I put my iPhone on shuffle and we listened to music for a couple of hours while cleaning.  I just love hearing the kids sing about Jesus and of course when a Mickey Mouse song comes on, they dropped everything and ran into the living room on the rug. Haha!  Jase was a big help today cleaning up. He picked up his room and made his bed, helped pick up the living room and play room and even helped clear the table . . . if you could have seen it.  This is terrible, but we just have been moving stuff out of the way to eat a meal at it.  He still had his new Lego set that we built at one end, Disney World maps on it, books in the middle, bibles, VBS goodie bags from this week, happy meal toys . . . you name it, it was probably on our table.  I'm happy to report that is no longer the case. Hubby will be happy when he comes home tomorrow! :)

Tonight we ate dinner before 6:00, which hasn't happened in a long while.  When Shawn is home we always wait on him so we can eat as a family and that is usually around 6:15-6:30 and sometimes later.  While I'd rather eat with him, it was nice eating early and having the rest of the evening open.  Tonight I recruited Jase to help me with the dishes and clearing the table.  He always takes care of his plate, but for some reason I have never had him load the dishwasher or clear the table.  HE LOVED IT!! He told me "when Daddy doesn't help you do it, just ask me and I will do it!" I washed the dishes off and I showed him how to load the dishwasher.  I think he really felt big doing it on his own.  Then I handed him a rag to wipe the table off with and he comes back into the kitchen and told me that I really made a mess, that there were crumbs all over where I sat!! I just laughed!!

The car did not leave the driveway today, but it was a great day.  After Ally woke up from her nap, we were sitting in the living room and I can't remember what we were doing, but she puts her hands on my cheeks and kisses my lips, then both of my cheeks and asks me "are you happy Mommy?" I told her yes, I was very happy.  Brought tears to my eyes, she can be such a sweetie!

As for potty training today, I did not push it at all.  I did sit her on the potty after lunch with a book and she went poo-poo!! 3 days in a row! I'll take that for sure!  And before bed she went tee-tee in the potty.  She is a sticker fanatic, I think I need to start a sticker poster and she can add one to the poster every time she goes.  She is having a blast flushing the toilet on her own and telling it bye-bye!! We are taking baby steps for now and that is just fine with me.

After Jase had his shower this evening (he played outside with a neighbor friend after dinner), we made chocolate malts.  I waited for him to get out and get dressed because he wanted to help me make them.  I got out the Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate (a definite favorite), milk and Carnation malt mix.  I scooped the ice cream and poured the milk and Jase spooned the malt mix in and started the blender.  He was watching it and was so excited.  I guess we've never made malts or shakes at home before in front of him.  He said "and when we run out of stuff, we'll just go to the store and get more!" He's too funny!  All 3 of us enjoyed our chocolate malts and of course you always wish there was just a little bit more after you finished yours.  Jase ended up drinking out of mine and Ally's.  I must love him to share mine! ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great day to me!