Thursday, January 12, 2012

Legos & Pinterest

Things have been pretty low key this week.  Monday and Wednesday the kids had school and Tuesday and Thursday we just lounged at the house, which was nice.  Shawn had his follow-up appointment yesterday and he received a full release.  Thank the Lord!  Crazy to think that just last Thursday we were coming home from the hospital.  I'm so glad he is out of pain and hopefully all of that is behind us.

Our kitchen table continues to be Lego central!  Jase just absolutely loves creating.  And Allyson, she loves just getting into it all and playing next to him.  At some point we will have to transition the Lego's, but for now he is enjoying himself and we still have enough room to eat meals at the table.

This week we also did a couple of Pinterest projects.  I was inspired by Casey to make my our laundry detergent.  I had Shawn look at the one I pinned since he works with chemicals and is definitely more familiar with their make up then I am.  He liked the one I picked so it was a go.  And he was actually excited about this project and made the list of ingredients to get at the store.  We ended up following the recipe exactly with the exception of 3 bars of Fels-Naptha.  We used 2 of those bars along with 1 bar of soap from Bath and Body Works.  It made a ton (like we are storing it in a 3 or 5 gallon bucket) and you only use 1 tablespoon per load.  I am finishing up some existing detergent that I have and after that it will be onto the homemade detergent.  It if works well, it will be a big savings and was super easy to mix up.  Thanks hubby!

We also bought the supplies to make our own dish detergent, but haven't mixed it up yet.  It is from the same source as the laundry detergent and has similar ingredients.  I bought cute little clear canisters for both detergents.  I can't wait to buy some vinyl and make some cute labels to go on the outside of the canisters! :)

And I have one last pin that I tried this morning: at home teeth whitening.  After doing it my teeth felt really clean.  I've only done it once, so I do not have any results to report, but I hope to continue doing it weekly and hopefully will see some whitening going on very soon.

1 comment:

Casey said...

omg i HAVE to try the teeth whitening if it works!! i have been lazy about the washing detergent but you inspired me to make more this weekend!!