Friday, February 3, 2012

Change in plans

So, I didn't do yogurt and fruit this morning for breakfast!! The kids woke up before 8:00 am and got dressed pretty quick, so I told them we could go eat breakfast out this morning.  I gave Jase a choice between do-nuts at Shipley's or kolaches at Morning's.  He chose Shipley's . . . fine by me!  :-)

On the way there I asked him if he wanted chocolate milk because last time he drank chocolate milk at Morning's it made it tummy . . . and I paused because I could not think of the word he used.  And the chimed in with "rumbly".  Haha!  He said he wanted chocolate milk anyway.  We didn't have to go to the bathroom before we left Shipley's, so hopefully he was ok at school.

This is after do-nut holes and on the way to take Jase to school.  Yes, Jase has his new Star Wars book that we checked out at the library yesterday and of course he is pretending to hold a light saber!!  I love my little Jedi!

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