Sunday, March 11, 2012

Making room for little man

With all the rain we've been getting, we spent the afternoon indoors and started getting things situated for little man's arrival. I know that we have plenty of time, but you know how fast time flies by, so if we do not take advantage of these rainy days we'll be down the wire. (But I'm sure we'll be down to the wire anyhow!)

It's a boy, so that means that Ally's crib and changing table we had just moved downstairs needed to be broken down and put away. Ally's crib is white and has spindles on it, so to me it is very dainty and feminine, so it will not work for little man. We decided to use Jase's baby furniture, which is cognac color. Shawn got his crib out of the attic and brought it downstairs and I wiped it down. Shawn broke down Ally's crib and Jase even helped out at the very end, using his own screwdriver that he got in his stocking.

While all this was going on, Ally was digging in the wipes, as usual, and rubbing her face down. She has not felt all that great this weekend, so I am hoping she is all better by tomorrow so we can venture out for a bit.

Yesterday I took Jase to a birthday party at a jump/moonwalk place and he had a blast. He and 2 friends would slide down together holding hands and they did this several times in a row. I was able to get some video footage of them being boys. Jase is in the blue shirt.

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